I saw sounds at night
altering the shapes of trees
tickling shadows
dancing on an owl's tongue,
I saw sounds skipping
from door to door,
rattling the letterbox,
slipping into dreams,
I saw a gentle drumbeat
chase a prancing fox,
amongst a tiny applause
of closing flowers.
Shortlisted for Wales Book Of The Year 2022
the stars that glisten
for you at night
are selected by star control
a celestial team that
bend shadows and light
upon the sky you have come to know
they sail through space
a magnificent sight
on an upside down rainbow,
and they look a little like us
but with eyes lightening bright
and skin that shimmers silver and gold,
so when you are lying in bed
and the stars sparkle with delight
like diamonds floating on shadows
wrap yourself up tight
whilst dreams take gentle flight
and slip away beneath a silvery glow.
In the poem I talk about a magical type of person or people, that control the light that we see in the stars. they travel the night sky on an upside down rainbow and their skin shimmers (much like stars do)
Perhaps something similar is going on at day time.
magical people that help the sunlight reach us here on earth?
or a team of specialist (magical people/creatures that manage the rain, the snow, the wind and hail
Be imaginative and try using some figurative language if you can.
Metaphor - Simile - Alliteration - Hyperbole - Personification - Onomatopoeia - Oxymoron
When you have finished your poem, leave it sit for a while.
Then go back to it and see if there are any changes you can make.
so it is a good idea to have a Draft 1, Draft 2, Draft 3 for your poem. You don't need to rush it.
I hope you enjoy writing your poems. if you want to share yourself reading them or share the text - Consenting parents/guardians and schools are welcome to tag me on twitter with the work - it would be great to see.